- Posted On: 2020-03-18
- Posted By: Anjali
- Total Views: 3489
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The Symptoms And Cure For The Coronavirus
In a recent report on the coronavirus, it was reported that the disease has spread to other countries. The Indian state of Maharastra has the highest number of cases. There are many potential causes for the spread of the coronavirus in India.
The current health measures have failed to prevent the spread of the virus so far. The virus has now been detected all over India. A patient from the Northern part of India that was infected with the virus showed signs of the symptoms. The symptoms include severe headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, low-grade fever, a cough with yellow mucus.
Although some of the patients showed signs of the disease on the first day of their contact with the virus, others might take months to show the signs of the sickness.
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An excellent way to know the condition of the patient is through testing of blood. Since the virus is contagious, healthcare workers have to be very careful about the protection of themselves. They should wear personal protective equipment like face shields, gloves, masks and gowns.
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The healthcare worker's body should be covered with the appropriate clothing. The health care worker must wash their hands at least three times a day with water and antibacterial soap.
The healthcare workers at the hospital in Kolkata West Bengal, who are dealing with the infected patients, have come up with an ingenious and advanced technology that is effective in reducing the virus.
The technique involves the use of diluted medicines to infect the surfaces in a room. This is done by using disinfectant solutions containing chlorinated hydrocarbons. The procedure can be performed on surfaces, tables, toilets, bed frames, and the air. The medical staffs in this hospital are very careful about the methods to be used to minimize the risk of infection of the patient and any other person while working on the infected surfaces.
The hospitals in Kolkata West Bengal have been accredited as one of the six institutions in the country that have passed all the standards set by the World Health Organization. All the staff in this hospital have undergone various training programs to ensure safety and quality of care.
The method is proving to be effective in containing the viral particles and reducing the symptoms that the patient is suffering from. There are no indications of the virus spreading into other parts of the country. The infected patients have shown signs of improvement after being treated with the diluted chlorinated hydrocarbon solution. In India, where the virus has been found to have reached more than five states, the authorities have been quick to take the necessary measures.
In some cases, the virus has caused considerable devastation in the country, and there is fear that it might become a significant problem in the future. With the help of healthcare workers, there has been a high demand for information and support from the doctors. Information about the methods of treating the virus has also been made available to the public. The federal government has been trying to educate the people on the need to stop the virus from spreading further. Also, they have been providing educational material to the institutions.